Working For You
With ongoing health care reform changes, ABBA has stepped up its efforts and worked hard to bring about effective, meaningful changes that improve the lives of all Americans who own small businesses, are the self-employed or purchase their own health insurance.
In August 2019 ABBA was pleased to announce it had donated $10,000 to RIP Medical Debt, a national non-profit that forgives health care debt on behalf of individual donors and organizations. The donation allows RIP Medical Debt to negotiate medical bills with providers, granting a total of $1 million in debt forgiveness to Americans across the country.
ABBA's Mission
- To enhance the quality of life for members by offering or providing educational information
- To provide access to goods, services, benefits or group discounts by using the buying power of all members
- To deliver valued member benefits at the best price and of the highest quality
- To promote the health, well-being and advancement of all self-employed Americans and small business owners by leveraging our acquired experience in serving the self-employed, self proprietors, families and individuals
- To give members the right and opportunity to set policies and goals
- To represent our members’ interest on legislative and regulatory issues that directly impacts their lives, including healthcare, taxes and regulations. ABBA’s endorsement ABBA can negotiate deals on great services and products using the power of the people we represent. The ABBA endorsement requires that specific quality, financial and service criteria be adhered to in order to meet the needs of ABBA members.